Health-247.Life brings expert medical advice to your fingertips by putting you in contact with a network
of qualified doctors across South Africa.
Doctors are available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. To book, select Book a Call in the main menu.
Complete the consultation booking form, providing the doctor with basic medical information relating to
your illness and request a call back within a time frame that suits you. A doctor will contact you via
SMS or email (if email is provided) within a day of receiving the request to confirm the consultation
date and time. If the requested time is not available, a doctor will contact you to arrange an alternative
date and time. You will be prompted to complete a simple registration form prior to your first consultation
booking. Your subscription must be paid and up to date in order to book a consultation.
You may have up to five people registered on your Health-247.Life profile. To add family members, select My
Profile from the main menu and then click Add a Family Member. You will be prompted to complete a registration
form for each person in the family (up to five people) before you can book a consultation for that person.
A script, referral letter or sick note will be emailed to you after the consultation. This is issued at the
doctor’s discretion and in line with applicable legislation.
A Health-247.Life Individual subscription costs R5 a day for a family of up to five people. Subscription payments
must be up to date in order to book a virtual consultation.
For MTN billing queries, dial 135 (free from your MTN SIM).